Case Studies – F & B

Case 1 – Error Prevention


  • The company has difficulty increasing the number of operators, and so aims to increase operator productivity and reduce shipping mistakes.
  • In light of the time it takes to respond to complaints about shipping mistakes, the company wants to prevent operators from inserting items into the wrong openings.
  • The company does not want to use separate racks for drink crates and milk crates; they want to use the same racks for both.
  • The company wants to use the racks wherever they are needed in the warehouse due to volume and timing. They also want to store the racks in a different place when they are not being used.


  • Dramatic reduction of wrong-row insertion errors!
  • Affixing a different color of LED tape to each row prevents operators from inserting items into the wrong row.
  • The racks are movable, making it possible to use warehouse space effectively.


Put-to-light systems + LED Tape

  • Movable racks that prevent inserting errors in all directions
  • Blue, red, and green LED tape was affixed to the respective openings to prevent operators from inserting items into openings on the wrong row.
  • Partitions were installed to prevent operators from inserting items into the wrong opening in a given row.
  • The dimensions of the racks can be changed to accommodate both the drinks crates and the milk crates.
  • Casters were added to the racks, and the Ethernet junction boxes were replaced with wireless systems. Now, the company is free to move the racks anywhere in the warehouse.


  • Wireless Put-to-light systems used for simultaneous sorting by multiple operators.
  • Use a handy terminal to select one of four colors to use, and scan the merchandise. The gross weight is displayed on the handy terminal.
  • The display panel for the block of the selected color lights up.
  • The operator inserts the merchandise into the opening illuminated by the light module and LED lamp, and pushes down the display panel.

Case 2 – Increase Speed & Efficiency


  • Work efficiency could not be improved because single-color light modules, which can only be used by one person at a time, were used for large shipments.
  • As a pass-through operation, delivery times are tight and work time is limited.
  • Medium sorting between cases and cartons/pieces is done by hand; only veteran operators are able to improve efficiency.



Our system successfully simplified data management and shortened the work time

  • When five people work simultaneously, each operator can process 2,400 pieces per hour, which successfully shortens sorting work time!
  • Five-digit light module displays for cartons/pieces make it easy to understand assorting quantities—even large assorting quantities for single stores—at a glance! This helps improve work efficiency.
  • Even beginners can perform the work with ease!
  • Adapting our system to small quantities of a diverse array of products successfully improved productivity and accuracy.


Use of Master of Supply Parts software package

Pairing a medium sorting system with put to light

  • We created a system that pairs medium sorting performed with wireless handy terminals with a put to light system.

Case 3 – Effective Use of Space


  • Each vegetable requires a different opening size, so the company needed to be able to change the configurations easily.
  • The company was using another company’s Pick to Light System, but was unable to change shelf pitch easily; they had to remove lamps from openings to make the changes when new items were added.



Pitch change work now requires only half as many operators

  • Our light modules are easily removable without special tools, so pitch change work now requires only half as many operators as before.
  • Part-time operators involved in pitch change work are now assigned to shipping and inspection work, reducing lead time to shipping.


A pick to light system with light modules that facilitate pitch and location changes

  • We created a Pick to Light System with easily removable light modules that simplify the work of changing shelf pitch, which had been separate from daily shipping work in the past.
  • High-volume items required three-digit light modules, while others required only two digits.
  • Our system made it easy to change light modules in response to changes in shipping volumes.

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